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AIDM needs a network of cooperative exchanges

Why AIDM needs cooperative exchanges.


Centralization of major financial services has led to monopolistic pricing, geopolitical risk, weaponization and insensitivity to local culture. This can be easily understood when one looks at the exorbitant share of the world’s total GDP that is siphoned away from production and core services, almost a quarter of all GDP, and diverted to the intrinsically unproductive financial services arena. These services are essential but the fact remains that they represent an undue burden on all of the economies of the world, except the ones that dominate the sector.


The solution is cooperative AIDM exchanges moving value seamlessly and instantaneously around the globe. The distributed exchanges lower geopolitical risk, allow market tailoring and maintain relevant sovereignty over financial exchanges. The exchanges will move our standardized AIDM secure within regional markets and between.


Our AIDM Digital Money System fully decentralizes but standardizes value exchange within and between markets. Since the value objects are able to expand to contain point of purpose information the exchange fabric will be able to open up all manner of automated workflows and adjudication of complex processes. It will also open up all steps of the financial process to direct participation by competitive providers of the decomposed services. This will allow a radical improvement of efficiency, preservation of sovereignty, and growth of new solutions and services enabled by a more flexible but highly secure platform. The cooperation will be managed by exchange agreements and each will be reconciled to the laws of the regions within which they operate.

Since the AIDM Digital Money System Platform works as a fully configurable object model, characteristics of the exchanges can be inherited across the framework leading to differential behavior based on any tagged characteristic. The operational governance of these cooperative exchanges will be handled by a non-governmental foundation operating under the control of exchanges themselves. The umbrella scope agreements will guide the non-governmental foundation to keep power and fairness balanced between the exchanges over time.

The effect of this disintermediation will be to expand access to capital, standardize transaction requirements, move value back to those that are producing products away from the financial services market, and act as regional accelerators for regional growth. More efficiency in the financial market will greatly expand growth by lowering the effective tax rate on economies around the world levied by the financial sector.

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